May 092017

Tijuana to El Fuerte via Los Mochis
May 2, 2017

Hotel El Torres

Hotel El Torres

There are many ways to travel to Mexico’s Copper Canyon, but, as Californians, we chose to go through San Diego.  It is a simple, and amazingly efficient walk across the bridge from San Diego to the Tijuana airport.  $16 in advance, purchasable online, for the bridge crossing, and 15 minutes later you are at the Tijuana airport. After checking our bags we head to our gate and a very quick flight to Los Mochis.  We had a pre-arranged cab ride to the town of El Fuerte, about one and half hours away from the airport, I will be honest, I do not know what we paid, as it was pre-arranged by the hotel and part of our room rate.

The Center of El Fuerte

The Center of El Fuerte – Plaza de Armas

El Fuerte is on the Chihuahua-Pacific Railroad which is why we are here.  The town of El Fuerte is very small with a population of only 12,000 people.  Tourism was once its main industry, but first, fear of drug violence, and then a drop in tourism to Mexico because of the United States current political climate, has seen the tourism industry suffer greatly here.  I am traveling with two of my dearest friends, the Browns, and we are the only gringos in town tonight.

Evening service in the downtown church of El Fuerte, Mexico

Evening service in Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

The sign on the wall of the church.

The sign on the wall of the church.

We had just a few hours to explore this afternoon, and the train departs early in the morning, but the town is lovely.  We are staying at Hotel Torres. The hotel was an old casona (large home) owned and operated by the Torres family for 400 years until it was remodeled into a hotel in 2006.  The rooms are absolutely huge, with thick, thick stone walls to keep them cool, although air conditioning is in every room. The rooms are all of traditional materials with old wooden doors and tile floors.

The Municipal building in El Fuerte

The Municipal building in El Fuerte, Mexico

The historic center of El Fuerte is a beautiful example of colonial nineteenth-century architecture, characterized by the orderly lines of its streets, buildings with smooth walls topped by cornices, and homes with their symmetrically framed windows and wood doors.

We had a lovely dinner at El Zorro in the Hotel Posada Hidalgo.  The menu read like a typical white bread Mexican menu, but the food was surprisingly true to its roots, with deep flavors and well-considered combinations.

Swallow in the Municipal Building of El Fuerte

Swallows in the Municipal Building of El Fuerte, Mexico

We will be back at the end of this trip and I will hope to explore more and bring it to you, but tomorrow, the train to Copper Canyon.

The colors of El Fuerte

The colors of El Fuerte, Mexico

El Fuerte Mexico


A blooming Hecho Cactus in the garden of Los Torres

A blooming Hecho Cactus in the garden of Hotel Torres

The gardens of Torres del Fuerte

The gardens of Hotel Torres

Torres de El Fuerte


The bar at Torres del Fuerte

The bar at Hotel Torres

Torres de El Fuerte, exterior of two of the rooms

The exterior of two of the rooms at Hotel Torres

Torres de El Fuerte Hotel


Just some of the whimsical decor of El Torres Hotel

Just some of the whimsical decor of Hotel Torres



May 072017

Cerocahui, Mexico
The Place of Grasshoppers
(pronounced: Sara ca hooey)
May 3, 2017

The Mission at Cerocahui, Mexico

The Mission of Cerocahui

The Jesuits were either directly in front of, or directly behind the Spanish conquistadors in so many of the conquered countries of Spain.

The Spanish encroachment, by missionaries and settlers alike in the Copper Canyon, led many of the local Indians, the Tarahumara, to abandon their pueblos and move into the increasingly rugged country of Sierra Tarahumara, making it difficult for the Spanish to exercise control over them.

Sadly the encroachment of the Spanish did bring epidemic diseases that swept through the pueblos and decimated the population. This and the treatment they received in the mines that were being developed, led to uprisings that resulted in the deaths of many priests and soldiers, and brutal military responses that killed thousands of Tarahumara. In the end, the Tarahumara dug deeper into the hills and chose isolation, defining much of their culture today.

Mission at Cerocahui, MexicoThe Jesuits continued their work until 1767 when King Charles III of Spain expelled them from all Spanish territories. Monks from the Franciscan order took their place, but their work lacked the intensity of the Jesuits’. The Jesuits returned in 1900, and set about reopening missions and establishing schools, orphanages, hospitals, and clinics.

Cerocahui, Mexico was first visited by outsiders in 1679 when the Jesuit Padre Pecoro stayed here for a short period and reported that the Indians were not ready to accept his faith.

In November of 1680 an Italian, Father Juan Maria Salvatierra, began construction of the Mission you see in the town of Cerocahui today. He stayed for 10 years.

Copper Canyon, MexicoThe Jesuit order stayed at the mission until their recall in 1767.

There is no more recorded history until 1936 with the return of Father Andres, who began reconstruction of the chapel in 1940, covering the outside with the carved stone you see today.

In 1941 Father Andres founded the Tarahumara Indian Girls Boarding School which still operates today with 102 girls attending in 2017. He also built the first road to Bahuichivo during the mid-’50s.

Cerocahui, Mexico Boarding School BoysThe Padre died in Guadalajara in 1976 and his remains were taken to the religious cemetery in Sisoguichi. On March 11, 1997, his remains were returned to Cerocahui where they presently rest in the walls of the church.

The girls that attend the boarding school come down from the mountains for their education. Many live at least a three-hour walk from the town, so they remain in the school for much of the year. They attend mass every day in the church. These photos are of those girls.

Ceroacahui, Mexico

*Shoes of the boarding school girls of Cerocahui


The Cerocahui Boarding School Girls

*Cerocahui Mission, Mexico *Cerocahui Mission, Mexico *Cerocahui Mission, Mexico *Cerocahui Mission, Mexico *Cerocahui Mission, Mexico

Downtown Cerocahui is exactly one block square.

Downtown Cerocahui is exactly one block square.

The town has a population of only 1556.  They received a hospital just 6 years ago if you needed one before that you had to drive for four hours.

We are staying at the Hotel Paraíso del Oso.  Translation: Paradise of the Bear.  The hotel gets its name from the rock structure that hangs over it.  They call the bear Yogi.

Yogi Bear in Mexico

If you are of a certain age, and from America, you know Yogi Bear, but why here?  Well, it turns out the hotel was started by an American, Doug “Diego” Rhodes.  He originally lived in Ohio, moved to New Mexico and eventually found himself here in Ceracahui, because he realized there were no good hotels in the area.

Today you will find the hotel, being run by Diego’s son Hugo as Diego now spends his time taking tourists to Oaxaca for Dia de Los Muertos celebrations, or children from Cerocahui to Mazatlan for their first glimpse of an ocean.

The hotel, built in 1990, has 21 lovely, clean rooms, a cowboy bar that serves wicked margaritas and delightful home-cooked meals, and yes, wifi.

Swallows in the eaves of the Hotel Paraiso del Oso

Swallows in the eaves of the Hotel Paraiso del Oso

The gardens of the Hotel Pariaso del Oso

The gardens of the Hotel Pariaso del Oso


*Cerocahui, Mexico