December 1, 2023
I would have loved to have taken photos of the structures and walkways of this temple. However, it was wall-to-wall people, and photos were almost impossible, with the exception of looking out over the rails. I had to go with the flow and simply enjoy the momiji-gari.
Eikando belongs to the Jodo sect of Japanese Buddhism and is one of the most famous places in Kyoto to observe momij-gari. The amount of people visiting is a testament to that.
Eikando’s main buildings are built alongside the base of a hillside and are connected by wooden corridors.
The Karamon (entry gate) is named after the ancient Korean kingdom of Goguryeo (Kōraiin Japanese). The current structure dates from the late Edo period (mid-19th century).

Exterior, off limits, stairway lined with fall foliage

A small bit of art on the exterior of the main temple
This is Hojo Pond. Small streams run through the temple grounds and connect to this main pond.

Hojo Pond

A small shrine on the island in Hojo Pond
Sometimes, one has to slow down and just go with the flow. As hard as that is for the type-A, I did pretty well.