October 2015
One day, out for a hot and steamy drive from Santiago de Cuba, we tripped over the Jardin de los Helechos. It was after closing time for the park, but as we poked our noses around, the delightful director stepped out, beckoned us in, and gave us a full private tour.
The Jardin is a one acre tropical wonder, situated just outside Santiago de Cuba, it is a fern and orchid garden and a research and study center. The center was once a family home, and is still lived in by the original family
Begun 30 years ago, the garden is purported to have the most complete collection of tropical ferns in the Americas, and has a growing collection of orchids.
The Institute’s collection consists of 3000 tropical ferns requiring constant attention. There are five employees, in addition to Sr. Caluff, watering, pruning, tending the beds, and keeping plants free from disease.
It is a research center valued by students from universities around the world. The center hosts visiting botanists and other fern cultivators.
The garden is open 9-4 Monday thru Saturday and 9-12 on Sundays. The cost is 1CUC for tourists and 1MN for Cubans.
The address is #129 Carretera Del Caney