Dec 032017

December 2017

Where does one start to explain the monumental project that putting on the 13th Annual Tipitaka Chanting Festival even is. Thailand was the host country this year and so therefore, the main organizers. There was a phenomenal group of people that came, just to decorate the site.

The afternoon of the opening ceremony I was actually able to ask the main designer if there was a single orchid left in all of India, they did an over the top job.

There is really nothing more to say, I am just going to share photographs.

When you enter the temple portion of the great property you go under this archway, it was the first portion they began to decorate. They were only allowed to decorate between 4:00 in the afternoon and 9:00 when the temple closes.

When you enter the temple portion of the great property you go under this archway, it was the first portion they began to decorate. They were only allowed to decorate between 4:00 in the afternoon and 9:00 when the temple closes.

The same gate the next morning.

The same gate the next morning.

This altar table was previously decorated by the event before us, these are their decorations.

This altar table was previously decorated by the event before us, these are their decorations.

This is what the Thai team did. The off white flowers are thousands upon thousands of Tuberose blooms, the perfume is alluring.

This is what the Thai team did. The off white flowers are thousands upon thousands of Tuberose blooms, the perfume is alluring.

The main portion of the temple is a small room with the large golden Buddha, there were matching decorations on the two sides of the entry to the chapel area.

The main portion of the temple is a small room with the large golden Buddha, there were matching decorations on the two sides of the entry to this area

The entry to the small room with the Golden Buddha

The entry to the small room with the Golden Buddha

Buddha found enlightenment under the bodhi tree of Bodhgaya. This is the area directly under the tree where people pay homage to Buddha

Buddha found enlightenment under the bodhi tree of Bodhgaya. This is the area directly under the tree where people pay homage to Buddha

This is the focal point of our chanting area. Notice the peacocks on the wall.

This is the focal point of our chanting area. Notice the peacocks on the wall.

Another mind blowing peacock

Another mind blowing peacock

They came in the middle of the night and put up this three part flowered archway at the top of the stairs. In this case, they are silk, not real

They came in the middle of the night and put up this three part flowered archway at the top of the stairs. In this case, they are silk, not real.

The finished second archway

The finished second archway

There is a wall around the Bhodi tree that serves as a walkway for pilgrims to chant and walk, they decorated with cloth, and then came in and placed silk flowers completely around the two archways that allow access to other areas of the grounds

There is a wall around the Bhodi tree that serves as a walkway for pilgrims to chant and walk, they decorated with cloth, and then came in and placed silk flowers completely around the two archways that allow access to other areas of the grounds

Looking down into the walkway gives you just a small glimpse into the work put into the decorations.

Looking down into the walkway gives you just a small glimpse into the work put into the decorations.

The banner for the entryway to the complex

The banner for the entryway to the complex

They were able to enlist the monks to help. I have found so many of the monks so very, very talented.

They were able to enlist the monks to help. I have found so many of the monks so very, very talented.

Building the peacock tails

Building the peacock tails


There is just no way to show how grand these decorations were, but I can end with a photo of the team that put it all together, the woman on the right, in front, was the lead designer. (The team are the first nine all dressed in white)
